Solve The Top 7 Business Killers with
The “3X2 Mindfulness to Millions” Formula
A Mindfulness Course Directly Applied To Solving Your Business Challenges
Dear Friend,
It’s Heather Ramsey and Brett Labit here…Founders of ReWired WorldWide & WEVO Global.
Ray Dalio, the billionaire founder of Bridgewater Associates, said: “Meditation, more than anything in my life, was the biggest ingredient of whatever success I’ve had.” Wouldn’t you suppose that every entrepreneur, small business owner, and salesperson on Earth should develop and master this “biggest ingredient of success” and integrate it into his or her business?
The good news is a growing number of business owners DO incorporate some kind of mindfulness practice into their life… The bad news is they don’t know how to direct that practice to eliminate the seven most toxic business killers.
- Business Killer #1: SALES SLIPS
Stop getting triggered by your prospects, losing your patience, and losing your sales.
Start winning the sale, serving more, producing higher results, referrals and a great reputation in business.
- Business Killer #2: TRIGGER TRAPS
Know how and why your colleagues get under your skin, “make” you react and do stuff you regret.
Know how to align your energy and theirs for harmonious successful results.
- Business Killer #3: ABSOLUTE OVERWHELM
Stop feeling alone, overwhelmed, like you’re never getting ahead…
Start tapping into the source of satisfaction that changes the ‘colour’ of your entire day.
- Business Killer #4: THE FEAR OF FACTS
From: “I don’t know how to do … (IT, marketing, accounting)”, “I don’t know who can help me solve … (XYZ)” “I’m going to get busted, someone’s going to find out I don’t know what I’m talking about …” “Someone’s going to think I’m a fraud.”
To: “I learn exactly what I need to in an easy natural way”, “I attract just the expertise I need to get the job done.” “I don’t need to know everything.” “What I know brings value to my clients.”
- Business Killer #5: SERVICE SUICIDE
End mediocre, less than satisfied, under-whelming customer experiences in your business, whether via you or your team. Be so connected to what your client wants that you can’t help but deliver an epic customer experience.
- Business Killer #6: LACK OF DIRECTION & ACTION
Shift from under-motivated, under-disciplined, under-focused, under-planned, easily distracted ...
To longer more productive stretches in your day where you produce incredible (vs regrettable) results.
- Business Killer #7: INFLUENCE & IMPACT
Instead of being at the mercy of bad business situations.
Learn to negotiate like a pro, navigate you & potentially adversarial business partners from “clash” to collaboration.
The 7 business killers we just mentioned are only the tip of the iceberg for conscious problems that cause business owners to fail. In addition to the 7 conscious business killers, your actions may be driven by any of the following subconscious blocks too!
If you identify with ANY one of the following subconscious blocks, directly or indirectly related to business, they may be your real underlying business challenges or killers, causing you to struggle far more than you need to in your business:
- Fear or shame of asking for money.
- Spending more money than you make.
- Belief that sales, marketing, influence or persuasion is evil (or dirty, bad, etc.)
- Feeling like you do not deserve a better life.
- If you’re rich, that means someone else is poorer.
- Fear of media exposure, networking and self-promotion.
- Not committing to anything that could move your business forward.
- Habitual debt and spending.
- Getting over-emotional about investment opportunities.
- No matter how successful you become you are unfulfilled and feel like there’s no meaning in what you do.
- Fear of your success.
- Jealousy of your competitor’s success.
- Secretly wishing someone would grow your business for you.
- Desire to show off and win at everything.
- Making other people wrong so you can be right.
- Chronic procrastination and/or protectionism.
- Needing everything to be perfect before you act.
- Feeling unworthy of respect.
- Avoiding difficult conversations.
- Acting like you’re listening.
- General hatred toward yourself.
- Chronic lateness to meetings.
- Striving for other people's’ attention in order to make yourself feel worthy.
- Setting goals with unrealistic timeframes.
- Constant thoughts of self-destruction or suicide.
- Using humor as a way of hiding from people.
- Habitual laziness and unwillingness to act.
- Desire to have power over people and make them your slave.
- Seeking people’s approval by buying them stuff.
- Using your sexuality to sell or do business.
- Being awkward around the gender you’re attracted to.
- Repressed guilt and shame about having an affair.
- Guilt, shame and fear about being gay.
- Past relationship breakups that still haunt you now.
- Confusing and hoping work relationships will satisfy your unfulfilled personal relationship needs.
- Fear of being abandoned.
- Asking permission to do something you want to do.
- Needing or resisting authority.
- Over-judgment about your body.
- Hating what you see in the mirror.
- Addiction to drugs, sex and/or alcohol as a way to cope with challenges in life.
- Chronic exhaustion.
If you know you have these Money Blocks and you're ready to be free of them Register Now
You may think to yourself, “What does guilt about my body have to do with the amount of money I earn.” The answer is that ANY & ALL forms of unresolved, self-deprecating feelings and blocks have a negative impact on your ability to perform in business.
Let us give you an example… A woman who sold real estate felt the only way she could command anyone’s attention was to show her cleavage… However, she still wasn’t producing the sales she needed in order to support herself… She was unaware that she had a sexuality block or negative pattern that was directly affecting her income… Through her Mindfulness Practice she was able to clear herself of the need to gain sexual attention, as a result she dressed differently and became better at presenting a house offer… Not only did her sales go up: her confidence and satisfaction soared too. If you have unresolved blocks in your mind, there is a HIGH PROBABILITY that block is affecting your sales NOW.
Luckily there is a way to solve ALL 7 Conscious Business Killers AND the Top Subconscious Business Killers or Mind Blocks from strangling your life any more than they already are right now. The solution is called the “3X2” Mindfulness Method - Applied DIRECTLY to Your Business.
We designed a live online interactive training series that custom supports business owners to increase their sales, service, success & sanity by applying inner-world mastery to outer-world business success. This proven mindfulness method is called the “3X2” Mindfulness Method - Applied Directly to Your Business. We call it “Mind Your Own Business” for short.
The method itself takes as little as 10 minutes each day. You can expect to start seeing shifts in your business in 10 days or less.
For Who…
Yes this Mindfulness for Business will be recorded, but no it may never been run “Live” again with Heather Ramsey in real time guiding you from your real life & business challenges, to your real life & business relief & results.
So if you are:
- An entrepreneur, business owner, executive, professional - who spends a lot of time in your life working, and it would make a big difference to you if all those hours weren’t so challenging or adversarial or overwhelming, and instead more successful, harmonious, and wealth-producing, then this custom to you one-time version of “Mind Your Own Business” is the answer for you.
- If you Get better results if you are guided through a process by an expert, rather than just relying on your self-discipline to hopefully go through audios & videos, then this custom version of “Mind Your Own Business” is a perfect match for how you learn and get your best results.
- If you Love the combo of building a deep life skill, and getting juicy business results all at the same time, then this particular version of “Mind Your Own Business” will be perfect for you, because when Heather Ramsey works with you in real time you will get the best of your “inner game” rewired and the best or your “outer game” business results together.
We analyzed 32 different course retreats that are centered around mindfulness, emotional healing, and therapy… Here’s what the average course gives to you:
- They take 7 full days of your time.
- The average cost is $1,000 + room & board + travel time and potentially flight costs.
- The majority do not give you additional bonuses with your enrollment.
- None tailored their content to business, let alone custom directly to Your Business.
- The teachers were proficient in mindfulness only — not business… This ties into the “who do you listen to?” principle. You can’t access business skills & results from someone who’s never built a business, let alone successfully coached other entrepreneurs, sales professionals, executives to build their business.
“Mind Your Own Business”
Here’s what you get TODAY when you enroll in the Mindfulness 2 Millions Course:
- The “Mindfulness 2 Millions” LIVE ONLINE Training Sessions
You will leave the weekly immersive training with a crystal-clear understanding of the “3X2 Mindfulness 2 Millions” Method… And you’ll have specific instructions to incorporate that week’s training into your Business and Mindfulness Practice. Most importantly, you’ll find business will become more easy, effortless and natural as a direct result of what you learn LIVE - increasing your sales, service, success (and sanity)!
8 Weeks, 90 minutes each week - you’ll get Step-by-Step Live online training in:
- Mindfulness Training - What is Mindfulness, How to do it EASILY, How to do it when you’re still AND when you’re in action - like in a business meeting.
- Mind Your Own Business Training - Apply the “3X2 Mindfulness 2 Millions” Method to your business and get any of your questions answered.
- 1st HALF of the training, Heather Ramsey will transfer the M2M method in the most easy-to-learn way possible.
- 2nd HALF of the training you will get any/all of you burning business questions answered.
- Finally, before you leave, Heather will show you how to CUSTOMIZE your Mindfulness practice to solve your most pressing business challenges, such as:
- Sales Slips: Stop losing sales. Start winning sales.
- Trigger Traps: Stop getting triggered by your colleagues. Start mastering your business relationships.
- Absolute Overwhelm: Stop feeling like you have to do it all on your own. Start tapping into your sources of support, and aligned effort & energy.
- The Fear of Facts: Stop doubting what you know or feeling like a fraud. Start operating with power, instinct, and action.
- Service Suicide: Stop underwhelming your customers. Start over delivering to your customers.
- Lack of Direction & Action: Stop the distractions & inactions. Start the focus, planned action and results.
- Influence & Impact: Stop bad business deals and situations. Start power, influence & impact.
Every week for 8 weeks, so within 60 short days of your life, you will be
“Minding & Mastery Your Business” - your sales, service & success, from the inside out!
- Mindfulness 2 Millions Facilitated by the Founder
Not self-directed, not led by just anyone, led by the Founder of ReWired WorldWide and designer of this program, Heather Ramsey, 23 years of formal Mindfulness Training & Practice, and 29 years of successful business experience - all applied to your business breakthroughs.
- The 10-Minute Power Practice
During the Live Online Session you will receive instructions on WHAT TO DO in your personal practice time. Most people set aside 10 minutes each day while you’re in the course. More time is optional and can be beneficial. However, even if you didn’t practice AT ALL you will still be transformed by learning the method on its own.
Plus You Won’t Miss A Thing
Even though we recommend you show up live for the online interactive training sessions, if for some reason you cannot, NO WORRIES.
All step-by-step training sessions will be recorded and available for your integration in 2-3 ways:
Membership Site - Lifelong Access to ALL Trainings
- WATCH: Video recordings of the training.
- LISTEN: Downloadable Audio MP3’s.
- READ: PDF visuals if relevant.
*** Only for people who sign up before May 6th ***
- Bonus One-on-One Mentoring Session ***Only for First 10 Who Say Yes ***
Heather Ramsey will provide you with custom-to-you advice to apply the course content to your business and/or personal life. You’ll also receive the audio recording and custom notes from this private mentoring session.
- Subconscious Rewired Audio
Remember the “Top Mind Blocks” we mentioned above? We designed a world-class audio that enables you to eliminate one block at a time using a simple process called, “The Subconscious Rewired Method.” You will love it. It’s perfect for clearing those blocks that have been stopping your success.
- Free Membership into WEVO Global
A global network of people who very much support mindfulness and business to create better lives, better businesses, and a better planet.
- Invite-A-Friend - Receive a 10% Thank You
Bring a friend to the training and receive a 10% Thank You, for every single friend and colleague that choses to join you and gain benefit from the “Mind Your Own Business” course. In fact bring your friends to any course we ever offer for life and receive a 10% Thank You. Your Free WEVO Membership link is also your 10% Thank You tracking link for life. Is that Awesome, or AWESOME!?
- “Mind Your Own Business” Certification
Upon successful completion of the “Mind Your Own Business” course you will receive the “Mind Your Own Business” Certification. Successful completion equals; 1. 8wk course attendance (if any missed live sessions, a reporting in the following week that “Yes” you listened to the recording, 2. Ideally participation (in written chat box and/or audio interaction), 3. Ideally weekly if not daily mindful practice and application into your better business life, 4. Report your Before & After Results in ~1-2 minute video clip, to support future members.
- Facilitator & Coaches Opportunity
When you are a graduate of this program, or any of the WEVO-ReWired programs, you are one step closer to the opportunity of being a facilitator and/or coach of this and all our world-class training, for our global members.
- One-Time Price
$1200 off the regular $1997 course price. Only $797. If and when this course is ever offered again, it will be priced higher.
HERE’S A $7,500.00 CASE-STUDY Example
The “3X2 Mindfulness to Millions Method” was critical for DAN BLACKBURN to sell (not lose) a $7,500 speaking gig… He used to have hair-trigger temper and when an event producer challenged his prices he was defensive and felt like snapping at the producer. Before our training he would have lost the sale - $7,500.00 in someone else’s pocket. Instead — as a result of the “3X2 Mindfulness to Millions Method”— he was able to regain his cool, call the prospect back, and close the $7,500.00 deal.
It is not a matter of if you are leaving $’s on the table, it’s a matter of how much $$$$$’s are you leaving on the table everyday in your business. If you have ever felt yourself ‘scrambling’ for sales, it may or may not be expensive marketing campaigns that you need, or to triple the amount of networking events you go to, but rather to double or triple your awareness of how you get triggered by your prospects, your clients, your co-workers, and build the skills to master your inner-world so you master the business world.
Enroll now and test the course for up to 30 of the 60 days. Yes that’s right we’ll let you go half way through the course, if within that 1st 30 days you’re not blown away by the quality of the course content – and more importantly your transformation and the value in your business – you can simply email us and we’ll give you all your money back. No hassle, no explanation, no problem.
“Mind Your Own Business” Enrollment Access
This is your cross-roads - to stay the same, or to join the successful and sane!
We’ve done the heavy-lifting to make your busines load lighter. We’ve merged mindfulness practice with your business world to solve the top 7 business killers and your specific top business challenges. Now you have the easy job of saying “Yes to Yourself” and getting this success skill - what the wealthy and wise do - embedded into your DNA.
What is your alternative, declining this one-time opportunity and continuing to hate networking, lose sales, get triggered by partners and prospects, and generally stumble through your working life. OR Receive this gift and join the calm cool and collected class of business people.
Along with the $1200 we’ve already taken off the course enrolment, you have a final option. Receive the full bonus package at $797 which includes a private 1-on-1 with the Founder Heather Ramsey where you’ll nail key challenges, clear game-stopping blocks, and create winning business strategies. OR if finances feel really tight for you, decline the 1-on-1 bonus session, get all the rest of the entire bonus package with the whole course for $597, this one time. Your choice, your life, your business, your success - is our commitment!
Heather & Brett