ReWired WorldWide Mission
"To integrate holistic success strategies into business, into legacy projects and into life!"
and in the process
"To Rewire 1 Million people for Higher Success & Happiness!"
Founder, Heather Ramsey
Heather Ramsey is a business growth expert, and success trainer, who is passionate about ensuring that mission-driven businesses get their great client results fully sold into the world, as opposed to being left under-discovered or worse yet die on the vine. Both ReWired’s Business Growth Strategies and Success Training have produced product-launching, sales-doubling, game-changing results for the businesses, the entrepreneurs and the employees who run them.
- Co-Authored ACHIEVE book with Robert Allen.
- Featured on LEAP Summit of World-Class Coaches.
- Co-Authored LEAP book with Jack Canfield.
- Featured on Fox News.
- Appointed to Ministry of Energy’s Advisory Council.
- Hosted the World Council.
- Built break-through Rewired4Happiness, Rewired4Success, Rewired4Business...
- Taught over 1000 Professionals the Art & Science of Facilitation.
- MC’ed Up With People show, performed in half-time of the Super Bowl.

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