Here’s How the "Dual Approach" to Business
Boosts Your Sales, Success & Sanity!
What the Top 5% Do That the Rest Wish They Knew In Business & In Life!
From: Heather C. Ramsey
Dear Friend,
If you’re ready to finally get paid more in 90 days than you have in a year, double the free time you have per week, while dripping with excitement about your life and your business…
… Then, it’s time to enroll in the 8 week Rewired4Success Mastermind, to live your 1st official Success Cycle, and really get what the Top 5% do, that the rest wish they knew!
Start producing bigger results now vs later...
This world class training & coaching program is for entrepreneurs & business professionals like you who "want it ALL". You want the outer business track-to-win-on training AND the inner game higher happiness & daily success training. Know your ideal client, who you are a hero to, get well paid to deliver true impact, leave a legacy for future generations.
Ensure you live this Success Cycle once now, so every decision, action, result in your business & life is forever elevated!
Here's What Our Students Say
“ Reached 120% sales goal in half the time & living in sweet spot zone.”
Alan Caraway
“Energy is over 50% and Passion has come back.”
Dr. Robban Sica
“2018 - 80% increase in sales revenue, 2019 - 25% above 2018!
Frank Marafino
“Last week I had $9,000 billable hours… That’s been a huge change for me.”
Michele Follows
Accountant, On Demand™ Inc.
“Achieved 200+% of biz goal & 30% happier, spiritually arrived.”
Henry Araya
“Attained increase in sales by 50% and able to clear blocks fast.”
David Krueger
“Within the 1st 3 weeks, I nailed my results! Got my biggest SWA investors.”
Gayle Baingo
“The initial results were $1,500 new revenue in a day...”
Dinesh Bharuchi
Internet Training Secrets™
“I've met my goals for both my businesses.”
Ben Mahrle
“The best decision I've ever made! You've given me all the tools I need...”
Maria Zimmerling
“Reached 90% sales goal in 2 days. This is perfect for GIN members!”
Hugh Toner
“Identifying the excitement and believability levels made it happen.”
Joan Bowley
Attain Greatness™
You probably know, most business owners like us are
"Quick Starts"...
...We love new ideas, but find it hard fully executing those ideas until the very end - seeing them complete.
Everything in this program is set up to ensure that you implement the (revenue producing) activities that you may be procrastinating on.
Hi I'm Heather Ramsey...
and this is my (somewhat unusual) story...
Listen, I know what it's like to struggle...
I didn't always run multiple businesses, wasn't always a 6-figure business expert, author, speaker, trainer... I didn't always have the skills to be on the Minister of Energy's Advisory Counsel. I didn't always live in my dream home in one of the best neighbourhoods, in one of the best cities in the world.
I had to learn the hard way, through countless disappointments, cheques that didn't clear, a business partner who racked up a 6-figure debt in my name, and then embezzled $109,000.00 from corporate accounts as his exit strategy...
But no matter what your past looks like, no matter what has happened before this moment - you can make a new future - NOW! You can be a success in business & in life NOW!
Here's What You WILL GET When You
Join The ReWired4Success Course
8 Week "Success Cycle Trainings" - $2,497 Value
Learn and Do what the Top 5% do to achieve success in your life.
Each 1 of the 8 moves in the Success Cycle is designed to get you the easiest and highest results possible!
Rewired4Success Manual & Successipedia - $997 Value
You will use the "Rewired4Success" Manual to effortlessly integrate this Success Training into your life.
Integrating the training you'll receive with the Manual will increase your comprehension & speed of implementation. After it will be a life-long "Success Guide" for you to cycle up to higher & higher results.
PLUS: "Successipedia" is a Living Reservoir of 40 Success Principles & 120 Practices. Anywhere, any time, for life ... you can raise your success in 5 minutes!
Daily/Weekly "Rewiring Play-Work" - $497 Value
Getting yourself engaged in a process is what creates lasting results… Remember when you were a kid how you 'became the game'? This Play-Work is designed not only to develop your sense of wonder, it actually makes your accomplishments fun, rewarding and truly satisfying…
(Let alone: actually happen in record time).
Private Facebook
Accountability Group - $Priceless
Connect with current & alumni Rewired4Success private members. Request an accountability partner. Get answers to your challenges. 10X your results!
Before & After “Rewired Results” Assessment - $297 Value
Way more valuable to measure where your "Inner & Outer Game" of Success are at the beginning. Way more satisfying & motivating to see your measured improvements in your Success Game & Results at the end!
This custom assessment provides you with the measurable improvements you made during your first of many "Success Cycles". When I was having lunch with best-selling author Robert G. Allen at his home in California he said: "WOW, if you've figured out how to measure the change in peoples' Success Results, that's worth the whole program!"
That's ONLY the 'basic yet invaluable Success Program'...
On top of that...
... I want you to have more. Ensure you succeed by giving you additional bonuses,
Totalling $2497 extra value.
2 Big Bonuses: A Full Marketing and Sales Training on how to generate more business leads, close more sales, and take the 2-week revenue-raising challenge.
Plus, an entire course on how to Produce, Publish, and Promote your Book to in turn generate more leads, increase sales, and elevate your business credibility!
Marketing & Sales Training Bonus
Here's the Highlights of your Marketing & Sales Training Bonus
Generate More Business Leads
Increase Sales Closing Ratio
Enjoy the 2-Week Revenue Raising Challenge
To Your Highest & Best!
Heather & Colin
Produce, Publish & Promote Your Book
Dear Friend & Rewired4Success Champion!
Colin Campbell here.
I hope you're terrific!
Here's the deal...
I created a full Marketing Book Bonus Course. It's undervalued at $1,997.
Produce - Most people do not know the "secrets" of easier book-production.
I will share secret stuff you don't know about producing a book in the easiest way.
Publish - I taught a group of business people my publishing process.
It was critical for me to refine my publishing process - to make it simpler, easier, faster, and more fun.
Promote - Of the people who are good at promoting their book:
A still smaller group know how to use their book to sell services. I will show you how.
So, if you enroll in the "Rewired4Success" Program Now I'm going to give you The ($1,997) "Produce, Publish & Promote Your Book" Course FOR FREE as an additional bonus.
This special bonus offer is exclusively for the people who decide to take their business to the next level through the Rewired4Success System...
When I say "exclusively" I mean it... You will not find it online -- not even on my own site.
So join The ReWired Program now and get access to it all - Success, Marketing, Business Results.
To Your Success,
Here's The Value Break Down: |
8 Module "Success Cycle Training "
"Successipedia" & "Rewired4Success" Manual:
"Results Playwork" Implementation:
Private Facebook
Accountability Group
Before & After "Rewired Results" Measurement:
Bonus #1: Marketing and Sales Training
Bonus #2: How to Produce, Publish & Promote Your Book
The Total Value of The Program: $6,782 but if you order today you can get it for:
Only $997
“I don't know what you guys did, but somehow the fear is gone!”
Nicky Lehwald
Business Owner
“Out of 1 - 10 I would rate the system as a 10! (how about a 12, can I do that?)”
Jay Harrison
Travel Agent
There is also ZERO Risk on your part.
100% Money Back, No Risk Guarantee
We take your results seriously. How could we stay in business and continue to thrive if we couldn’t guarantee the value in this course? Place all the risk on us. Enter the Program, receive “Successipedia”, Build your Sweet Spot Goal, apply the Success Principles & Practices, do your “Results Playwork” and if after half way through the course (yes 4 Weeks in) through your “Success Cycle” you don’t feel like you already got the value of your entire investment we will refund 100% of your money back. Zero Risk – 100% Reward.
Here's a Summary of Everything You Get:
Today Only $997
YES Heather! I want to use the "ReWired4Success" Program to easily turn my past failures into epic financial success and live the life I deserve.
I understand that all I have to do is cover the (significantly reduced) cost of doing business, which is a drop in the bucket compared to what I and my business will potentially be worth.
I also understand that I'm investing in the expense of you having to go out and learn all the best practices, systematizing it and taking the time and the resources to build this program for me…
This will absolutely increase my success & happiness on every level of my business & life.
Don't Delay, we have 3 Easy Access Options
"P.S - Take action now.
Don't hesitate and jeopardize your success, your potential additional income and the life-style you want by "thinking about it, maybe next time, I'll have to talk it over with..." or any other limiting belief you could come up with.
This is a crossroad between "achieving your dream life" on the upside or "getting what you've always got" on the downside.
This decision will take you to the next level guaranteed. Allow me to have faith in your ability to breakthrough your current situation. Accept me as your mentor for this critical juncture in your life. You will be thrilled at the result.
Scroll down, click on your payment option and follow-through now before it's too late. We'll be in contact immediately to welcome you into the "ReWired4Success" Program.